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The Mainland-Macao Trade and Economic Cooperation

The Mainland-Macao Trade and Economic Cooperation in January-June 2015
I. The Mainland-Macao Trade

The Mainland-Macao trade in January-June 2015 amounted to US$2.14 billion, going up 38.4% year on year. Among those, the mainland’s export to Macao registered US$2.04 billion, going up 31% year on year, and the mainland’s import from Macao was valued US$100 million, down 8% year on year.

In June 2015, the mainland-Macao trade registered US$390 million, going up 33.4% year on year and up 6.8% month on month. Among others, the mainland’s export to Macao stood at US$370 million, going up 35.8% year on year and up 6% month on month; and the mainland’s import from Macao amounted to US$20 million, going down 6.9% year on year and up 30.2% month on month.

II. Investment from Macao

In January-June 2015, 212 Macao-invested projects were approved by the mainland, going up 31.7% year on year; the actual use of Macao capital was US$530 million, increasing 62.2% year on year.

In June, 34 Macao-invested projects were approved by the mainland, going up 41.7% month on month; the actual use of Macao capital was US$60 million, down 51.9% month on month.

By the end of June 2015, a total of 14,044 Macao-invested projects were approved by the Mainland with actual use of US$12.43 billion. In terms of the utilized capital, the funds accumulated from Macao accounted for 0.8% of the total foreign investment capital absorbed in the mainland.

III. Mainland-China Economic Cooperation

In January-June 2015, the mainland has 19 contracted projects in Macao with a contract value of US$1.25 billion. The turnover registered US$580 million. By the end of June 2015, the number of laborers dispatched to Macao totaled 121,348 and the accumulative turnover amounted to US$11.17 billion.

Mainland-Hong Kong Trade and Economic Cooperation
China’s Non-Financial Direct Investment Overseas
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