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National Vegetable Market Generally Keeps Stable

Recently, the problem of sluggish selling of a small number of vegetables occurred in a few regions. Generally speaking, the vegetable supply could meet demand. According to the monitoring by MOFCOM, the average wholesale price of 26 kinds of vegetables nationwide was 2.63 yuan/kg, on October 24, down by 2.2% year on year; during the first 20 days of October, the transaction volume of vegetables in national one hundred wholesale markets of agricultural and sideline products were up by 16.1% year on year. According to statistics by the Ministry of Agriculture, vegetables in the farm and the yields were up by 1.6% and 1.5% respectively in September.

The main reasons for the sluggish sales of vegetables in some regions are: first, the prices of some kinds of vegetables were high last year, so its planting acreages were expanded. Consequently, its supply and demand was imbalanced this year. It is unsalable and the price drops sharply. Second, in some major production areas, autumn vegetables grow well with an increased yield. So the production and sales in some regions are unmatched, and mass selling caused the price decrease.

In response to sluggish selling of vegetables, MOFCOM has initiated the contingency plan to help solve the problem through information guidance, online match-making and social assistance. It is expected that the price of vegetables will stop dropping and become stable.

Average Price of Food in 50 Cities, October 21-30,
MOFCOM Released Report on Chinese Foreign Trade De
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