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China adds 44 tariff items for 2013

China adds 44 tariff items for 2013

BEIJING, Dec. 17 (Xinhua) - China's Ministry of Finance (MOF) announced its Tariff Implementation Plan for 2013 on Monday, making adjustments on tariff tax items and tax rates concerning a number of exports and imports.

The number of items to be taxed in 2013 has reached 8,238, after 44 items were added for the new year.

The newly added items include hydrogen selenide, biological insecticides, refuse incinerators and concrete pump trucks.

The new tariff plan will be implemented by the General Administration of Customs on Jan. 1, 2013, according to a statement posted on the MOF website, which noted that the State Council, China's Cabinet, approved the plan after deliberation by a special committee.

In order to boost import and meet domestic demand, China will implement temporary tax rates lower than the most favorable national tariff on more than 780 imported commodities next year.

The commodities include seasoning products, pacemakers, special-formula infant milk powder, industrial robots for auto manufacturing, and resources products like kaolin, alfalfa and eiderdown.

In line with relevant trade pacts, some imports from Hong Kong, Macao and Taiwan will enjoy tariff-free policies next year, while some commodities from the Association of Southeast Asian Nations member states, Pakistan and New Zealand will see reduced tax rates, the statement said.

The country will also continue to levy temporary tariffs on exports including coal, crude oil, chemical fertilizers and iron alloy in 2013 to conserve resources, according to the statement.

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